International Webinar on Hope, Disappointment, and Dispair

International Webinar on Hope, Disappointment, and Dispair

International Webinar on Hope, Disappointment, and Dispair

1183 1183 people viewed this event.

Hope is a central feature of life, often taken for granted. Life without hope would be intolerable.There is realistic hope and unrealistic hope. For realistic hope, we have to bear the possibility of disappointment. Unrealistic hope may blind us to the reality of the situation.
Covid goes on, new variants arise, and we have to put up with the grind of it, of long-term infringements on our life and freedom. Hope has to be maintained over time as it may be transformed. The webinar focuses on rebuilding the perspective on HOPE in view of challenges faced due to pandemic.

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🗓️ Date: 18th Janury, 2021

Time: 3.00 pm onwards (India time zone)

Speaker: Michael Brearley

Note: Registration is mandatory to receive the joining link. Participation Certificate shall be issued only to the registered participants.

Free Registration.

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Additional Details

Application/Software - Cisco WebEx

Event registration closed.

Date And Time

2022-01-18 @ 03:00 PM to
2022-01-18 @ 05:00 PM

Registration End Date




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